HORVATH  Eva Monika - Paintress

Born in 1965. Graduated as a painter and teacher on
Hungarian College of Fine Arts in 1992.
Graduated in aesthetics on Eötvös Loránd University of Science in 1995.
Started his post-graduate studies in philosophy
on Szeged University of Science in 2005.

Individual exhibitions have always meant continuity for me. I've had more than forty of them.
Of the period between 1992 and 2000, I consider the ones held in Erdős Renée House at my
birthplace, Rákoshegy in 1995, at the Budapest Goethe Insitute in 1999, and at Budapest Gallery
in 1999 as the most important ones.

Selected one man exhibition 2002-2008

Astra-Zeneca Galery / 2000 / Törökbálint
Társalgó Intellectual Club / 2001 / Budapest
Secco Galery / 2002 / Budapest
Régi Művésztelepi Galery / Szentendre
Karinthy Salon / 2003 / Budapest
Nyírő Gyula Hospital / 2003 / Budapest
Symposion Association / 2003 / Budapest
Institut français de Budapest / 2003 / Budapest
Det Danske Kulturinstitut / 2004 / Kecskemét
Mucius Galery / 2005 / Budapest
Institut français de Budapest / 2006 / Budapest
Symposion Association / 2007 / Budapest
Godot Galery / 2007 / Budapest
VAM-design / 2008 / Budapest
Symbol Art Galéria / 2010 / Budapest


Verba Andrea: Színfoltok és enteriőrök / Új Művészet, 1999/4
Kocsis Nagy Noémi: Képablakok / Magyar Művészeti Fórum, 1999/10
Hernádi Gyula: kat. bev. tan., 1999
Szemethy Imre: Hónap / Mozgó Világ, 2002/2
Kemény István: kat. bev. tan., 2002
Gaál József: kat. bev. tan., 2002
Verba Andrea: kat. bev. tan, 2002
Hudra Klára: Női érzések / Premier, 2003/1
Legát Tibor: Kiállítás ajánló / Magyar Narancs, 2005/34
Magyar Judit: Tavasszal / Diplomata Magazin, 2007/3
Frau Mauroner: kat. bev., Salzburger Fester

Other activities

I did my practice teaching on Hungarian Dance Academy in 1991. I worked one school year
teaching art and history of art at the Gazdagrét Voactional High School in 1992.
Form 1995,  I've benn the dramaturge of numerous documentary films made by Duna television.
From 2004, I did art therapy at the National Institute of Psychiatry and Neurology (OPNI)
for two years, From 2005, I worked for GDL Group, helping at art organizing, for two years.